mercoledì, settembre 17, 2008


---Mail Message---
From: Project Manager
Sent: lunedì
To: Jakala

Hi Jak,

How is the project going? It is your last day with us tomorrow and I would like thank you for all of your hard work.

I am not sure you will complete all of the project + the other two additional test quotations which we issued to the client last week (not signed off). Therefore would you be prepared to come back for 1 to 2 weeks early October to finish this project off?

Let me know your thoughts.

Kind regards

Cosa ne penso?
Che da lunedì ci sono 5000 persone a spasso a Londra, magari provate a chiedere ad uno di questi di seguire il progetto ed io me ne torno in Italia tutto tranquillo, no?

2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Mi vien da dire "Italian do it better" ahahhahaha

Anonimo ha detto...


ps. grazie della visita. Ringrazio per il suggerimento, non mi era venuto in mente.